Ben Tennyson, a 10-year-old boy, is on an extended summer vacation with his Grampa Max and cousin Gwen when he discovers a magical device- the Omnitrix watch. This amazing device gives Ben to ability to transform into any one of the spectacular alien heroes, each with its own unique abilities. Ben, Max and Gwen travel the country in their mobile home- the Rustbucket, and have a blast beating down would be villains along the way.
Recreate scenes from the Ben 10 TV show with this new articulated Overflow metallic action figure which comes with a water blasts matching accessory. Choose your Metallic figure from some of the most famous Ben 10 aliens. Collect them all!
The information provided here is as complete and accurate as possible; however, product names, colours and/or materials are subject to change without notice.
Product Code | BEN62000 |
Barcode | 8056379109129 |
Minimum Age | 4Yrs+ |
First Available | 15th Apr 2021 |
Product Size: Approx. inc. packaging |
6.4 x 19.1 x 22.9 cm |
Commodity Code: Country of Origin |
9503007000 China |