In this universe, Steve Rogers is sidelined during Project Rebirth, leaving Peggy Carter to receive the Super-Soldier Serum and become Captain Carter: the world’s first Super-Soldier. Marvel Legends proudly presents this 1:1 scale reproduction of the Marvel’s Captain Carter Shield as it appears throughout the Marvel Cinematic Universe. With series-accurate sculpting and detailing across the shield, this is the next essential Marvel Legends Roleplay item for your Marvel gear collection.
The information provided here is as complete and accurate as possible; however, product names, colours and/or materials are subject to change without notice.
Product Code | F6484 |
Barcode | 5010996142696 |
Minimum Age | 14Yrs+ |
First Available | New Coming Soon |
Product Size: Approx. inc. packaging |
11.4 x 63.5 x 66.0 cm |
Commodity Code: Country of Origin |
9503009590 China |